Event cancelled
After careful consideration, we decided to cancel this event. We are deeply sorry for inconvenience caused to you.
If you need assistance with events, refunds, etc., you can contact us:
IIPNLP| Lau Samuel | samuel@nlpasia.com | WhatsApp 852 56069930
We are editing latest recording... Once uploaded, you can watch here.
You can watch all uploaded replay here
Please show your entry QR Code to event staff, also please fill our e-health declaration within 24 hour before event start.
Please show your entry QR Code to event staff
Here is your online event link, please self check-in and enter room on time.
網上活動 @ ZOOM
Self Check-in
Room Link:
主題:心友會X IIPNLP NLP 新春開運Zoom 免費講座
時間:2022年2月22日 07:00 下午 香港特別行政區
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